WORKSHOP - "You feel it in your head, your shoulder, knees and toes?" - basics of ortho examination

Scientific program 28.03.2023.

Dear collagues,


we have prepared another amazing workshop for this year’s CROSS! “You feel it in your head, your shoulder, knees and toes?” is a lower extremities workshop where you can learn how to clinically examine patients with lower limb pathology with the guidance of instructors from the Student Society for Orthopaedics and Traumatology.


Each session begins with a short introduction with an overview of the anatomy, biomechanics and kinesiology of a particular segment. Afterward, specific tests are demonstrated with explanations and comments. Participants of the workshop will have a chance to perform the examinations themselves on models during which they are monitored and led by an instructor. 


Every young doctor will inevitably encounter some disorder of the musculoskeletal apparatus, that’s why it is important to learn how to deal with such patients. Join us in Zagreb in April and don’t miss your chance of learning the basics of ortho examination!


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.