WORKSHOP - “R you Ready to work in R?” - statistical data analysis

Scientific program 15.04.2023.

Dear CROSS followers,


if you are interested in scientific research, you’ll have to encounter “the big and scary” statistical analysis. Therefore, this next workshop could be great for you!


R you Ready to work in R?” is a workshop organized by Andrea Gelemanović, MD, PhD. At this workshop, dr. Gelemanović will educate its participants about the R program and all the opportunities it has to offer. What is the role of this program in statistical data analysis and how to create quality visuals for your research papers are some of the most important things you will be able to learn.


Andrea Gelemanović is a molecular and computational biologist with a PhD in genetic epidemiology from the University of Split, School of Medicine. She works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Mediterranean Institute for Life Sciences, analyzing -omics data for various projects. Her research has focused on genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to infectious diseases, as well as cell-to-cell communication in cancer metastasis. She has been awarded a British Scholarship Trust for research at the MRC Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, and was a winner of the 2016 New Voices in Global Health initiative. Dr. Gelemanović is involved in education and science communication projects, and organizes summer schools in bioinformatics and science communication.


Come to this interactive workshop, learn how to use the R program to make data analysis more effortless, and how to present your work through top-quality visuals!


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.