WORKSHOP - ''Gluten-Free Gourmet- MasterChef Edition'' Diet challenges in coeliac disease patients

Scientific program 02.03.2024.

Dear CROSS friends, 

As a part of our scientific program, we present the "Gluten-Free Gourmet: MasterChef Edition" workshop. This workshop is designed to educate and empower participants in two essential aspects: understanding Coeliac disease and mastering the art of gluten-free cooking.

In the initial segment, participants will learn about Coeliac disease, including symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment, facilitated by an expert. Following this, the workshop transitions into a cooking class where participants will learn to prepare gluten-free meals. They will gain practical experience and insights into the challenges faced in professional kitchens, particularly when crafting gluten-free dishes. 

Overall, the workshop aims to enhance participants' culinary skills while deepening their understanding of Coeliac disease, while also equipping them with knowledge about the condition and proficiency in creating delicious gluten-free gastronomic delights.


CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.