WORKSHOP - "Breaking the silence" - how to communicate with hearing impaired individuals

Scientific program 13.04.2023.

Dear CROSS friends,


we hereby present our next workshop “Breaking the silence”, which is organised by  the Association of Students of Speech and Language Pathology – Logomotiva.


This workshop will shed a light on the problems and the growing prevalence of hearing impairment with the goal to educate students and future doctors on ways to communicate with patients with speech and language pathology. 


The workshop begins with a short demonstration of Croatian sign language, followed by a short online quiz about myths related to the hearing impaired population. The introduction to the lecture itself is a simulation of hearing impairment using earplugs that will be distributed to the participants. After the simulation, workshop leaders will dispell the myths about hearing impairment that were previously found in the quiz.


Join this interactive workshop and learn more about this specific population and ways of communicating with its members! 


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.