STRESS AND THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM - doc. dr. sc. Maja Baretić, dr. med.

Scientific program 24.02.2023.

Dear friends of CROSS,


as our congress draws near, we would like to introduce you to another lecturer of this year's CROSS!


Assistant professor Maja Baretić is one of our most prominent experts in the field of endocrinology and diabetology, and by presenting her lecture "Stress and the endocrine system" to our participants, she will aim to answer questions such as; ‘what is stress?’, ‘what effect does stress have on the endocrine system?’, ‘what is the connection between our hormones and stress reactions?’ and many others.


Maja Baretić MD, PhD is a specialist in internal medicine, consultant endocrinologist and diabetologist working at University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Croatia as well as an assistant professor at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. She obtained her medical degree at the University of Zagreb, School of Medicine and received her PhD Degree from the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science at the Department of Biology. Her main clinical interests are diabetes mellitus and innovative technologies, as well as diabetes in pregnancy, obesity and thyroid disorders. Her research interest focuses on the same subject and she has presented and published a significant number of scientific papers. Currently, she is leading the Croatian Obesity Treatment Referral Centre registered as a Collaborating Centre for Obesity Management of the European Association for the Study of Obesity. She is a member of the Croatian EUGOGO (European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy) team. Dr. Baretić is a Board Committee Member of the Croatian Society of Obesity, Croatian Society of Hypertension and Croatian Society of Rare Diseases. 


We invite you to come and join us in Zagreb in April, to learn more about the effects of stress and the various pathologies it can cause. Hope to see you soon!


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.