WORKSHOPS - Primary wound care

Scientific program 07.03.2020.

Dear colleagues and young doctors, 

Primary wound care is one of the basics of doctor work and therefore we invite you to join us at the Student surgical society’s workshop at CROSS 16!

As young doctors we will often come across wounds. But do we really know how to manage them? Do we know how to take a proper history, how to properly examine and access a wound? At our workshop, you will learn which wounds need special surgical attention, which wounds should be sutured and which should not. What kind of drugs do we use in wound care management and how often do we need to check the wound after initial care. Also, we are going to teach you how to suture and show you how to tie some of the most basic and commonly used knots in surgery. 

Hope to see you there!

CROSS 16 Organizing Committee 

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.