Scientific program 22.03.2023.

Dear collagues,


it is with great pleasure that we announce our next lecturer, Vesna Gall, MD, PhD. Doctor Gall will be presenting her lecture “Psychosomatic medicine in gynecology and obstetrics”, which will emphasise the importance of recognising psychosomatic disorders that affect pregnant women and women in general.


A psychosomatic disorder is a psychological condition that leads to physical symptoms often without any medical explanation. In gynecology and obstetrics, there are various conditions that can lead to psychosomatic disorders, such as: loss of a child, premature birth, complications in pregnancy, fear of childbirth and fear of infertility, which is especially expressed in couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques. The most common symptoms in women that can be associated with psychosomatic disorders are abdominal pain, sexual dysfunction, disrupted body image or dysmenorrhea. Nevertheless, if properly diagnosed, women can overcome these simptoms by means of cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication and mindfulness-based therapy.


Vesna Gall was born in 1977. in Varaždin Croatia. She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 2010. She became a subspecialist in fetal medicine in 2015. She received her doctorate at the Faculty of Dentistry in 2016. Since 2017., she has been the president of the Croatian Society for Psychosomatics in Gynecology and Obstetrics at Croatian Medical Association. She is the head of the Delivery Department at the KBCSM Clinic for Women's Diseases and Obstetrics. She is the author of numerous professional and scientific papers and lectures in various fields of gynecology and obstetrics with an emphasis on psychosomatics in gynecology and obstetrics. She is also the co-author of the book "Psychosomatic medicine in gynecology and obstetrics”.


Join us in Zagreb in April and help us raise awareness of how important trust and proper diagnosis is when it comes to female patients. And since we all came from a woman, we should take special care of every aspect of mental and physical health that women are susceptible to. 


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.