Scientific program 26.03.2023.

Dear students and doctors,


we continue on with this year’s lecturer announcements by introducing Iva Kelava MD, PhD. The title of her presentation is “Psychodermatological burden of skin diseases”. 


Skin diseases are mostly chronic with relapses and are accompanied by pruritus and pain, therefore they greatly affect the life and psychological condition of patients. The localisation and intensity of dermatovenerological diseases have a huge impact on the patient’s mental health, leading them to develop symptoms of depression and anxiety.


Iva Dediol MD, PhD is a consultant at the Department of Dermatovenereology at University Hospital “Sisters of Mercy”. After graduation she was a research associate in a scientific project of Ministry of science, education and sports of the Republic of Croatia called „Psychological status of patients with malignant skin diseases and other dermatoses“ and was teaching Dermatovenereology in Medical high school „Mlinarska“ in Zagreb. In 2017. she obtained a PhD with the thesis „Quality of life and psychiatric comorbidities in symptomatic and asymptomatic dermatovenereological patients“ at the doctoral study in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb. She has done her training in pediatric dermatology abroad in London, UK and Padua, Italy. 
Apart from her clinical work in psoriasis, she has also been a principal investigator in clinical trials in psoriasis and head of School of atopy – educational program for children with atopic dermatitis and their parents.
Iva Dediol was a speaker at several international and national scientific congresses, meetings or symposia. She published many scientific articles and abstracts in medical journals and congress abstracts in abstract books. She is also an author of chapters in medical books.
She is a member of several medical organisations including European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Women’s Dermatologic Society, Croatian Medical Association and Croatian Dermatovenereological Society. 
Iva Dediol received the John Stratigos Memorial Scholarship (EADV) in 2016. and the Women's Dermatologic Society International Travel Award 2018.


Join us in Zagreb from April 25th to April 28th to help shed a light on how pruritic and painful dermatoses can have significant influence on a patient's quality of life.


Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.