Dear colleagues,
we hope you have already heard that CROSS16 will be held at the School of Medicine, University of Zagreb from December 9 to December 12, 2020. If you are looking for a congress where you can present your scientific paper or a case report, CROSS16 is an excellent choice! Not only will the experience of presenting a paper at a congress in English look good on your CV, but the accepted abstracts will also be published as a supplement to Liječnički vjesnik, the official journal of the Croatian Medical Association which is indexed in Scopus! Additionally, the authors of the best abstracts will get the opportunity to publish the full version of their paper in Liječnički vjesnik.
Abstracts specification are as follows:
TITLE - up to 20 words
TEXT - up to 250 words
TOPIC - any
LAYOUT - depends on abstracts category
Your Scientific Committee