Early bird tickets - reminder

General notices 21.01.2022.

Dear colleagues, 

We’d like to remind you that there is still 10 days left to get your early bird ticket (until February 1st). 

You can still buy your ticket via this link: https://cross.mef.hr/en/registration/online-registration

The purchase of said ticket is the most affordable way to participate in this year’s CROSS; the registration fee is 50€ - that includes participation in a workshop of your own choosing, all lectures and poster presentations, 4 meals and an additional gala dinner, ticket for the CROSS afterparty and accommodation (optional). 

Further information regarding ticket purchase can be found on our website. 

For any additional inquiries regarding CROSS 17, you can contact us via our social media. We look forward to your participation! 

Your CROSS team

CROSS 19 / April 9 - 12, 2024.